You can capture an IP network trace, a channel adapter trace, and an internal trace from the BARR/PRINT390 for IPDS window. When capturing a channel adapter trace, all connections using the selected adapter will be traced.
You must be a member of the local Administrators
group to capture a trace.
Tracing may cause performance degradation and should only be used for troubleshooting
Complete the following steps to capture a trace.
Open BARR/PRINT390 for IPDS.
Select the connection you want to trace.
Use one of the following methods to select the type of trace you wan to capture.
For a network trace, on the menu bar, select Trace | Network | Long Format or Short Format, depending on how detailed you want the trace to be. You can also right-click the connection and select Network Trace | Long Format or Short Format.
For a channel adapter trace, on the menu bar, select Trace | Channel | Long Format or Short Format, depending on how detailed you want the trace to be. You can also right-click the connection and select Channel Trace | Long Format or Short Format.
For an internal trace, on the menu bar, select Trace | Internal. You can also right-click the connection and select Internal Trace. A checkmark will appear next to the menu item when the trace has been enabled. This option should only be enabled if a Barr Systems support analyst advises you to do so.
Start the connection, if it is not already started, and then recreate the problem.
For IP connections, the trace file is saved in the \\Program Files\Common Files\Barr\Trace folder. The trace file name will be the name of the service, with an .ipt extension for network traces, a .cht extension for channel traces, and a .trc extension for internal traces.
For SNA connections, the trace files are saved in the folder specified in Microsoft SNA Server or HIS. The trace files will be named Cliapi1.atf and Cliapi2.aft. You can also capture a trace of SNA connections using Microsoft SNA Server or HIS. Refer to Microsoft's Help for more information.
Use one of the following methods to stop the trace.
For a network trace, on the menu bar, select Trace | Network | Off. You can also right-click the connection and select Network Trace | Off.
For a channel adapter trace, on the menu bar, select Trace | Channel | Off. You can also right-click the connection and select Channel Trace | Off.
For an internal trace, on the menu bar, select Trace | Internal. You can also right-click the connection and select Internal Trace.
Use the Diagnostics Utility to send the trace file and any additional information to Barr Systems Technical Support.
Channel traces can also be captured from the BARR/CHANNEL-OUT utility.