Use this tab to determine the format and default attributes for all jobs received on this connection. These document attributes may be overwritten if the same field is used during banner extraction. You can access this tab by selecting Connection | Add or Modify on the menu bar.
You must be a member of the local Administrators
group to add or modify connections.
You must stop
the connection before it can be modified. You should not, however, stop
a connection when data is being received from the host. This would stop
the data stream The uninterrupted transfer of information
over an interface to achieve high data transfer rates
and cause an error to occur at the host.
Click an option you want to learn more about.
Format – Determines the format that will be sent to the print spooler. Select the option that your print spooler will accept.
S/370 – A standard format supported by all versions of the Barr Enterprise Print Server and many 3rd party print servers, such as M.I.S. Print.
Barr channel – A custom format supported by Barr Enterprise Print Server version 4.1 and later. This provides support for additional fields not available in the S/370 format.
The Document attributes list is used to manage the fields that will be sent with the job. The attribute values are assigned to the job when it is added to the print spooler. S/370 fields are listed by default. If you are using the S/370 data format and add additional fields that do not apply for S/370, those fields will not be sent.
The table displays the fields to be sent with the job, a description of the field, and the value defined for the selected field.
Add – Sets the value for a field and adds it to the Document attributes list. BARR/PRINT CHANNEL will set the field to the specified value for each job you send. Displays the Field Properties dialog box.
Modify – Changes the selected field's value in the Document attributes list. Displays the Field Properties dialog box.
Remove – Deletes the selected field from the Document attributes list. BARR/PRINT CHANNEL will no longer set the field value.