The self-test consists of two diagnostics: the signal lead test and the local loop back test. Both tests require the test plug that comes strapped to the modem cable.
Signal lead test – The signal lead test checks the BARR/SYNC adapter’s send and receive pins. First, the software sends a signal out to each send pin. Next, the test plug routes the signal back through the corresponding receive pin. Finally, the software checks that the signal returns through the correct pin. Signal lead test errors indicate the circuit that failed, for example: CTS circuit failed or DCD circuit failed.
Local loop back test – During the local loop back test, the software sends a data string of 256 characters in a rotating pattern. The test plug returns the data through the receive side of the adapter. Then the software verifies that the returned data matches the sent data. The data string is sent at the Data rate speed configured on the Adapter tab. If the software receives errors from the local loop back test, the following message displays: Loop Back Test failed.
You must run diagnostics from Device Manager. Complete the following steps.
Attach the test plug to the SYNC MAX PCI adapter. The test plug comes strapped to the modem cable so you can run the test whenever necessary.
Open Device Manager.
From the Windows desktop, right-click the My Computer icon and select Properties.
From the System Properties dialog box, select the Hardware tab and click Device Manager. If you need additional instructions, refer to your Microsoft Help.
In Device Manager, click the plus sign (+) next to Barr adapters.
Right-click the appropriate device and select Properties. The Properties dialog box displays.
From the Properties tab, set the Data rate for communications. This determines the speed at which the diagnostics loop back test will be run. The default value is 9600.
The maximum data rate you can achieve depends on several factors, including the speed of mainframe communications equipment.
From the Diagnostics tab, click Start to begin the self-test. As the self-test runs, diagnostic status messages display.
Check the test results.
Click OK or Cancel to close the utility.
Remove the test plug and install the host cable.