Using the RJE Console

This topic provides information on using the features of the RJE Console.

Before you can use the RJE Console, you must follow the steps in the Getting started with RJE topic and be connected to the host. To access RJE Console, you must be assigned the RJE Console user access right.

See also:

Sending commands to the host

You can send commands to the host from the RJE Console using the Command line or by clicking command buttons.

JES3 commands: The ? is a standard character in JES3 commands. However, because the ? is used to prompt you for a parameter, JES3 commands that contain a ? must be entered as double question marks (??). Double question marks will be ignored during the Barr prompt replacement and will be sent to the host as single question marks. The software can then distinguish between the Barr ? prompt and the JES3 ? command character.

To send commands using the Command line

You can use the Command line to send operator commands to the host. Separate multiple commands on the Command line with a vertical bar ( | ). To send a command from the Command line, use one of the following procedures.

To send commands using command buttons

You can send a command to the host by clicking a command button. When the command is sent, it displays on the console. A group of command buttons with predefined commands display at the bottom of the RJE Console.

Four sets of commands are possible with 10 commands in each set, for a total of 40 customizable command buttons. To see additional predefined command descriptions, select Set A, B, C, or D. You can redefine the command buttons to suit your needs using the Commands tab of the RJE Configuration Utility.

Some JES2 commands require you to specify the remote number. In the default command definitions, the remote number is substituted with a ? prompt. When you click a command button defined with a ? prompt, the command displays in the Command line and pauses at each ? for you to enter a parameter. You can replace the ? in the command button definition with your remote number.

Viewing the console log

The contents of the RJE Console are written to a log file. The log file is a delimited text file. The log file includes messages from the host, commands sent to the host, diagnostic messages from the Barr software, and other program activity.

The maximum size of the log file is set on the Connection Control tab of the RJE Configuration Utility. The default size is 4 MB. By default, the log file is stored in the \\BHCS\Log folder with a name of ConnectionName_ConsoleLog.txt.

The following is the contents of a sample log file.





| 7/31/00| 9:55:06AM|

The RJE Remote Connection Test3 has been initialized


| 7/31/00| 9:55:06AM|

Host connection started


| 7/31/00| 9:55:07AM|



| 7/31/00| 9:55:08AM|



| 7/31/00| 9:55:08AM|



| 7/31/00| 9:55:08AM|



| 7/31/00| 9:55:12AM|



| 7/31/00| 9:55:13AM|



| 7/31/00| 9:55:15AM|

Host connection stopped


| 7/31/00| 9:55:07AM|


Configuring the RJE Console window

You can configure your RJE Console window by selecting which columns display, choosing the font, and specifying the colors. If Use High Contrast is selected under the Accessibility Options in Control Panel, you cannot configure colors or fonts. These menu options will not be available.

View option changes will be saved by User ID.  

To show or hide columns

The Console view is divided into four columns: Source, Command, Time, and Date. To show or hide these columns, on the menu bar, select View | Columns. A check appears next to the column name when the column is displayed.

To select the colors

To select the colors to use in the Console view, on the menu bar, select View | Colors. The Colors dialog box displays. You can specify the colors of the text and background. Click Restore Defaults to restore the default color scheme. The colors specified are also used in the RJE Diagnostics communication scope. If the RJE Diagnostics window is open when the colors are selected, you must close and then reopen the window for the changes to take affect.

To choose the font

To select the font to use in the Console view, on the menu bar, select View | Font. The Font dialog box displays. In order to maintain proper spacing in the console view, only fixed-width fonts can be selected.

Saving a configuration file

RJE Console configuration files (.brj) contain RJE Console window settings and if specified the information needed to connect to the host. To save the current RJE Console configuration settings choose one of the following procedures.

Mounting forms

Printers use forms to format the print data. Mounting a form causes information from the selected form to be added to the file. The form information is stored in a Barr spool header record at the beginning of the file. When the file is ready to print, RJE converts the spool header to commands and sends them to the printer.

To mount forms from the RJE Console, you must select Mount forms by: RJE Console on the Device Control tab of the RJE Configuration Utility. You can also select forms using the Forms tab of the RJE Configuration Utility.

Complete the following steps to mount a form from the RJE Console.

  1. Open the RJE Console.

  2. On the menu bar, select Tools | Mount Forms. The Mount Forms dialog box displays.

    Mount Forms Dialog Box

  3. From the Select form for drop-down list, select the printer on which to mount the form.

  4. Select the Form to mount on the printer. The forms you define using Make FCB display in the list.

  5. Click Mount to send the command to the host to mount the form on the printer. The Mount Forms dialog box remains available so you can change forms during software operation. To close the dialog box, click Cancel.

Running diagnostics

Complete the following steps to run diagnostics for RJE.

  1. Open the RJE Console.

  2. On the menu bar, select Tools | RJE Diagnostics. The RJE Diagnostics utility will display.

    RJE Diagnostics Utility

  3. If you are connected to the host, the current connection will open. If you are not connected to the host, the Select Connection dialog box will display so that you can select a connection.

  4. See the Using the RJE Diagnostics utility topic for more information.