RJE Console - Mount Forms dialog box

This dialog box is used to select a form for an RJE print stream (PR1 to PR7). Forms enable files received on the print stream to print in the correct format.

To mount forms from the RJE Console, you must select Mount forms by: RJE Console on the Device Control tab of the RJE Configuration Utility. You can access this dialog box from the RJE Console by selecting Tools | Mount Forms on the menu bar. Once this dialog is displayed, it remains available so you can change forms during software operation. To close the dialog box, click Cancel.

You can also select forms using the Forms tab of the RJE Configuration Utility.

Click an option you want to learn more about.

Mount Forms Dialog Box

What do you want to do?

See also:

Select form for

Specifies the printer to mount the form on.


Specifies the form to mount on the printer. The forms you define using Make FCB display in the list.

Mount button

Sends the command to mount the form on the printer.