This topic provides information on using the features of the RJE Connection Manager.
To access the
RJE Connection Manager, you must be assigned the RJE
Connection Manager user
access right.
When you add computers to the RJE Connection Manager window, all connections defined on the computer will display in your screen. Complete the following steps to add computers to the window.
Open the RJE Connection Manager.
On the menu bar, select
Connections | Add/Remove Computer.
The Add/Remove Computer dialog
box displays. You can also access this dialog box by clicking the
Add/Remove Computer button on
the toolbar.
Under Add computer, select the appropriate Domain and computer Name from the drop-down lists.
Click Add. The computer will now display in the Computer list.
Click OK.
When you remove computers from the RJE Connection Manager window, all connections defined on the computer will be removed from your screen. Complete the following steps to remove computers from the window.
Open the RJE Connection Manager.
On the menu bar, select Connections | Add/Remove Computer. The Add/Remove Computer dialog box displays. You can also access this dialog box by clicking the Add/Remove Computer button on the toolbar.
Under Computer list, select the computer or group of computers you want to remove from your screen.
Click Remove.
Click OK.
Complete the following steps to connect to the host from the RJE Connection Manager.
Open the RJE Connection Manager.
Select a connection or group of connections in the window.
On the menu bar, select Connections | Connect RJE to Host. You can also connect to the host by right-clicking a connection and selecting Connect RJE to Host or by selecting a connection and clicking the Connect button on the toolbar.
Complete the following steps to disconnect from the host from the RJE Connection Manager.
Open the RJE Connection Manager.
Select a connection or group of connections in the window.
On the menu bar, select Connections | Disconnect RJE from Host. You can also disconnect from the host by right-clicking a connection and selecting Disconnect RJE from Host or by selecting a connection and clicking the Disconnect button on the toolbar.
Complete the following steps to open the RJE Console from the RJE Connection Manager.
you open RJE Console from the RJE Connection Manager, you cannot specify
a configuration (.brj) file.
Open the RJE Connection Manager.
Select a connection in the window.
On the menu bar, select Tools | RJE Console. RJE Console will display the selected connection.
If the selected connection is disconnected, the connection will be automatically started when RJE Console displays. See the Using the RJE Console topic for more information. You can also open RJE Console by right-clicking a connection and selecting RJE Console or by selecting a connection and clicking the RJE Console button on the toolbar.
a connection is not selected, the Select
Connection dialog box will display so that you can select a connection.
Complete the following steps to open the RJE Configuration Utility from the RJE Connection Manager.
Open the RJE Connection Manager.
Select a connection in the window.
On the menu bar, select Tools | RJE Configuration. The RJE Configuration Utility will open the configuration for the selected connection. See the configuring BARR/RJE topic for 802.2, HPR/IP, SDLC, or MS/LUA for more information. You can also open the RJE Configuration Utility by right-clicking a connection and selecting RJE Configuration or by selecting a connection and clicking the RJE Configuration button on the toolbar.
If a connection is not selected, the RJE
Configuration Utility will display and you can select on of the local
Complete the following steps to run diagnostics from the RJE Connection Manager.
Open the RJE Connection Manager.
Select a connection in the window.
On the menu bar, select Tools | RJE Diagnostics. The RJE Diagnostics utility will display the selected connection. See the Using the RJE Diagnostics utility topic for more information. You can also open the RJE Diagnostics utility by right-clicking a connection and selecting RJE Diagnostics or by selecting a connection and clicking the RJE Diagnostics button on the toolbar.
If a connection is not selected, the Select
Connection dialog box will display so that you can select a connection.
You can customize the RJE Connection Manager window by displaying specific columns, displaying gridlines, and sorting the columns.
You can control the display of four of the RJE Connection Manager columns: Computer, Remote Name, Link Type, and Test Mode. To show or hide these columns, on the menu bar, select View | Columns. A check appears next to the column name when the column is displayed. When you close the RJE Connection Manager, the columns that display will be automatically saved. The next time the RJE Connection Manager is opened, those columns will display by default.
To show or hide gridlines, on the RJE Connection Manager menu bar, select View | Gridlines. A check appears next to the command when gridlines are displayed.
To change the order in which information is displayed on the RJE Connection Manager window, click the column heading. An arrow will appear to indicate if the information is being displayed in ascending or descending order. Click the column heading again to change the sort order.
To save the contents of the RJE Connection Manager window, on the menu bar, select File | Save. The file will be saved in the \\Program Files\Common Files\Barr\Log folder. The file name will be RJEManagerLog.txt. If a log file already exists, the previous file will be overwritten when a new file is saved.