Configuring BARR/RJE for SDLC

RJE Configuration Utility

Use the RJE Configuration Utility to define and configure SDLC connections for communicating with the host. The procedures outlined in this topic are required. Refer to the Configuring BARR/RJE optional settings topic to configure more advanced BARR/RJE settings.

You must be a member of the local Administrators group to operate the RJE Configuration Utility. If you are assigned the Configure - RJE user access right on the computer to which you are trying to connect, but are not a member of the Administrators group, the RJE Configuration Utility will operate in read-only mode.

See also:

Defining a connection

Complete the following steps to define a BARR/RJE connection. If you are working with connections located on a different computer, click More on the RJE Configuration Utility. Under Computer, select the appropriate Domain and computer Name from the drop-down lists. Then click List Connections to display the connections on the selected computer.

  1. Open the RJE Configuration Utility.

  2. Click Add. The Add Host Configuration dialog box displays.

  3. Type a connection name and click OK. The Connection Properties dialog box displays. Use the tabs to specify the settings for the connection.

Entering the RJE description

Complete the following steps to configure the RJE settings and print sample host definitions. These settings must match the parameters specified when configuring JES2, JES3, or POWER.

  1. Select the RJE Description tab.

    RJE Description Tab

  2. From the RJE system drop-down list, select JES2, JES3, or POWER as your host spooler.

  3. Enter the Remote name and Password that the host programmer assigned to the BARR/RJE system. These values must match the values entered when configuring JES2, JES3, or POWER.

  4. In the APPLID box, enter the application name of your host RJE system used for running JES2 on the host.

  5. In the LOGMODE box, enter the name of the associated logmode file. For JES2 and JES3, the IBM default value is BATCH and will not need to be changed for most users. For POWER, the default value is RJE3790B.

  6. Select the Logon type. You can select a Formatted, Formatted Override, Character Coded, or Host Initiated logon type. The default type is Formatted.

  7. If you selected a Formatted Override or Character Coded logon type, you can enter Logon data.

  8. Select the number of Printers, Punches, and Readers. The numbers you specify must match the NUMPRT, NUMPUN, and NUMPDR parameters defined in the remote definition statement (RMTnnnn) when configuring JES2, JES3, or POWER. For POWER, there can only be three printers, one punch, and one reader.

If you specify one or more readers, when you close the RJE Configuration Utility, a dialog displays asking if you would like the RJE Configuration Utility to automatically create the RJE readers needed for communicating with the host. We recommend selecting Yes and allowing BARR/RJE to create the following necessary devices. You must restart the BARR SpoolCore service for your changes to take effect.

  1. To route files from a program to the Spool Window, the printer Connection name - Send to Host is created. This allows you to print directly from a program by selecting File | Print on the menu bar.

  2. To route files from the Spool Window to the host, a spool printer is created for each reader specified. These printers appear in the Spool Window with the name Connection name - RDn. After the BARR SpoolCore service is restarted, you can view the newly created printers.

  1. The host programmer must set certain host parameters for BARR/RJE to operate. You will save time and effort getting your system running if you adhere to the recommended host definition. We recommend you print these sample definitions and provide them to the host programmer to ensure the correct parameters are used. Click Remote Definition and Logmode Table Entry to view sample statements the host programmer will need to enter in the RJE system parameter libraries. The parameters that display vary depending on the settings configured on the RJE Description tab. The parameters that may change are displayed in blue text.

Configuring the communication link

Complete the following steps to add an SDLC communication link and configure the link properties. Your host programmer can help configure the link settings. To modify a link, select a link from the Name list and click Modify. To remove a link, select a link from the Name list and click Remove.

  1. Select the Communication Link tab.

    Communication Link Tab

  2. Under Link options, an SDLC link has been created by default. To update the default link, select BARRS1 and click Modify. The BARR/SNA SDLC Link Service configuration utility's Link tab displays. Complete the following steps to configure the link. To create a new link, click Add, select the SDLC link type, and click OK.

  1. From the Link tab, select the Adapter to use with the link service.

  2. Select the Link type based on your communications link, either leased A communications channel that permanently connects two or more locations. Dedicated lines are private or leased lines, rather than public ones. or switched A standard dial-up telephone connection; the type of line established when a call is routed through a switching station.. Use a leased line for data communications. A switched link is a standard telephone line. Choose one of the following types: Leased, Switched: manual, Switched: modem-stored number, and Switched: application-stored number. The default link type is Leased.

  3. Specify the Data rate for communications if necessary. This value can be changed only when the Leased link type is selected. All other link types will use the default setting, 9600, to issue modem commands.

  4. Select the link attributes as necessary. You can choose from the following options: DATMODE=FULL, Multidrop, Ignore DSR, and Constant RTS. For more information about these options, see the Communication link parameters topic.

  5. Click OK to return to the Communication Link tab. Once the link service has been configured, the link will be automatically named BARRSn.

  1. Under Connection, click Configure. The SDLC Connection Configuration dialog box displays. Complete the following steps to configure the connection.

    SDLC Connection Configuration Dialog Box

  1. Under NCP parameter, select either NRZ or NRZI as the type of coding used on your host system. NRZI is selected by default.

  2. In the ADDR box, enter the 8-bit address used by SDLC. The default value is C1.

  3. In the IDBLK box, enter the appropriate hexadecimal value. This parameter will be used by the host to identify the remote PU definition. This must match the IDBLK parameter specified during VTAM configuration. The default value is 03D.

  4. In the IDNUM box, enter the appropriate value. This parameter will be used by the host to identify the remote PU definition. This must match the IDNUM parameter specified during VTAM configuration. The default value is 12345.

  5. In the MAXDATA box, select the maximum amount of data you can send on the PU in one frame. This value includes nine bytes of header information plus the data length. This must match the MAXDATA parameter specified during VTAM configuration. For JES2 and JES3, the default value is 1033. For POWER, the default value is 265.

  6. In the MAXOUT box, specify the maximum number of frames to send before pausing for a response. The default value of 7 results in the highest throughput.

  7. Select the modem type, either Not autodial or AT.

Not autodial – Select this option if you use an external modem other than an AT or Dataphone 2224B modem. This option is selected by default.

AT – Select this option if you have an external AT modem that supports the standard AT command set (Hayes compatible) and can automatically dial a phone number entered in the software. You can only have one modem configuration.

  1. If you select AT, enter the Phone number for the autodial connection. The default phone number is DT9,12345551234. You can also specify the Initialization string. The default initialization string value is AT&F&M1.

  2. Click OK to return to the Communication Link tab.

  1. Specify the number of Non-RJE LUs. This sets the starting LU Acronym for Logical Unit. In an IBM SNA network, a point denoting the beginning or end of a communications session. number, allowing you to skip any non-RJE LUs defined in the RJE remote definition. This skips any 3270 or IPDS/AFP LUs. The default value is 0.

  2. Click NCP and Physical Unit to view sample definitions for the selected link. The definitions will vary depending on the link and connection properties. The parameters affected by the settings you changed are displayed in blue text. Physical unit (VTAM) definitions are only available for SDLC switched connections. For more information, see the Communication link parameters topic.

  3. Select whether to use the software in Test mode. During test mode, you can use all the BARR/RJE functions, but the software does not connect to the host computer. Test mode is a useful tool when you are learning about the software or testing software features.

  4. Select whether the computer will perform the Communication role of the Remote or Host. By default, BARR/RJE assumes the role of the Remote computer. This is the typical role for connecting to the host computer. Selecting the Host role is used to connect computer to computer, where one computer must be in remote mode and the other one must be in host mode.

  5. Configure additional settings if necessary.

  6. When you finish configuring the connection, click OK. If you created a reader on the RJE Description tab, a dialog displays asking if you would like the RJE Configuration Utility to automatically create the RJE readers needed for communicating with the host. We recommend selecting Yes and allowing BARR/RJE to create the following necessary devices. Change the state of all printers in the Spool Window to Disabled before BARR/RJE creates the devices. Once the readers have been created, you must restart the BARR SpoolCore service for your changes to take effect. If you select No, you will need to manually configure the RJE readers.

  7. To route files from a program to the Spool Window, the printer Connection name - Send to Host is created. This allows you to print directly from a program by selecting File | Print on the menu bar.

  8. To route files from the Spool Window to the host, a spool printer is created for each reader specified. These printers appear in the Spool Window with the name Connection name - RDn. After the BARR SpoolCore service is restarted, you can view the newly created printers.