Configure Columns Utility


Use the Administration application Configure Columns Utility to configure the columns that will display by default in all of the grid views. You can add, remove, and reorder columns as necessary from the grids.

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Configure Columns Utility

What do you want to do?

Tab pages

Displays tab pages representing the Destinations, Sources, Documents, and Library grids. Each tab displays a grid listing all of the columns that currently display in the appropriate grid. The grids are editable. Use the following procedures from the grid.

Configure button (available only for Document columns tab)

Displays the Global Destination Capabilities dialog box. This is used to determine which print preferences/document properties are supported throughout Barr EOM. You can also select the settings that are allowed for a particular property. These settings determine what is available to the user in the dialogs where properties are configured. When properties are disabled, those Document columns are also hidden in the Documents grids.

Add button

Adds columns to the grid. Displays the Add Column dialog box.

Remove button

Removes the selected column from the grid

Move Up button

Reorders the columns by moving the selected column up.

Move Down button

Reorders the columns by moving the selected column down.