Converting/Restoring Windows Queues

EOM Console

Barr EOM will often be installed in an existing print environment. This means there will already be one or more Windows print servers, each serving dozens or hundreds of Windows queues. You can use the Barr EOM Windows Queue Converter to easily convert these Windows queues to Barr EOM sources. All documents sent to the converted Windows queue will be automatically received in Barr EOM through the new source. You can also choose to create a Barr EOM destination for the queue. Barr EOM will automatically configure the source to route to the destination. This is useful because no change will appear to the end users - they will print and receive their documents as usual.

If you decide you no longer want the Windows queue routed through Barr EOM, you can also easily restore the Windows queue.

See also:

Converting Windows queues

Complete the following steps to covert existing Windows queues to Barr EOM sources.

  1. From the EOM Console, select Tools | Windows Queue Converter.

  2. Select the Convert queues tab.

  3. Select the Server that contains the Windows queues you want to convert. Only servers with the Barr EOM Input Service running will be listed. If the server you want is not listed, start/install the Barr EOM Input Service on that server and try again.

  4. Click Detect Now. The grid displays all of the Windows queues found on the selected server that are using Windows ports.

  5. In the grid, select the Windows queues you want to convert and click Convert. The Conversion Options dialog box displays.

  6. Select the File store to be associated with the new source. All file stores defined in the Set General Preferences Utility are displayed.

  7. Choose the Source group where the new source will be created. The new source will use the same name as the Windows queue.

  8. If desired, you can choose to create a Barr EOM destination for the Windows queue. This will automatically route all documents received by the new source to the destination. This is useful for end users as it will appear nothing has changed. They will continue to print and receive documents as normal. If you want to create a destination, follow these steps.

  1. Select Create destinations.

  2. Choose the server that contains the Barr EOM Output Service. This will typically be the server selected for the Barr EOM Input Service.

  3. Choose the Destination group where the new destination will be created. The new destination will use the same name as the Windows queue.

  4. Choose Create record in SNMP table to automatically configure the destination for SNMP communication. This allows the printer to be configured for alerts in the Alert Rules Manager.

  1. Click OK. A confirmation window will display when the conversion completes.

Use the Manage Windows Queues Utility to configure quota management profiles for the converted queues. Quota management profiles can be configured to set up restrictions based on the type of document. Examples include disallowing color printing, requiring documents to be duplex, disabling print from certain applications, and so on.


Restoring Windows queues

Complete the following steps to restore converted Windows queues.

  1. From the EOM Console, select Tools | Windows Queue Converter.

  2. Select the Restore queues tab.

  3. Select the Server that contains the converted queues. Only servers with the Barr EOM Input Service running will be listed. If the server you want is not listed, start the Barr EOM Input Service on that server and try again.

  4. Click Detect Now. All of the converted Windows queues for the selected server will be listed in the grid.

  5. Select the Windows queues you want to restore and click Restore. A confirmation message will display when the conversion completes.

  6. Click OK.
