Managing resources

EOM Console

under construction

From the Resource Manager dialog box you can manage all Barr EOM resources. Resources are available to any Barr EOM service, running on any server. For example, 2 Barr EOM Output Services running on 2 different servers, could use the same resources. The following are the available resource types: CpMillUnitLibrary, CpMillProfile, banner, overlay, PrinterControlFile, FCB, CsvDocProp, CsvDestination, CsvLibFolder, binary, and text. Resources are used in business rule and output process actions.

See also:

Adding resources

Complete the following steps to create Barr EOM resources. The resources created in the Resource Manager dialog box can be used in business rule and output process actions.

  1. From the EOM Console menu bar select Tools | Resource Manager. The Resource Manager dialog box displays.

  2. In the Resource type list, select the resource type you want to create.

  1. Click New. The dialog box that displays varies depending on the selected Resource type.

  2. CpMillUnitLibrary – Javascript programs used for Advanced Document Modification. Displays the Configure Unit Library dialog box.

  3. CpMillProfileNeed info

  4. Banner – Text files used for banners or trailers that may contain document properties. Displays the Banner Resource dialog box.

  5. Overlay – Reserved for overlay files, not presently used. Displays the Overlay Resource dialog box.

  6. PrinterControlFile – Reserved for printer control files, not presently used. Displays the PrinterControlFile Resource dialog box.

  7. FCB – Form Control Block used by DCOs for various record conversions. Displays the FCB Resource dialog box.

  8. CsvDocProp – Comma separated values representing document properties. Displays the CsvDocProp Resource dialog box.

  9. CsvDestination – Comma separated values representing destination properties. Displays the CsvDestination dialog box.

  10. CsvLibFolder – Comma separated values representing library folder properties. Displays the CsvLibFolder dialog box.

  11. Binary – Binary files used by output process actions. Displays the Binary Resource dialog box.

  12. Text – Text files used by output process actions. Displays the Text Resource dialog box.

  1. Click OK.

Configuring a CpMillUnitLibrary resource

Unit libraries are JavaScript modules that CpMill calls at certain known times while processing a document (for example, begin document, page start, page end, etc.). The modules can modify the contents of the document, extract information from the document, write the document, or parts of it, to a new location, or perform many other operations. For more information on configuring unit libraries, contact Barr Systems LLC Professional Services.

Complete the following steps to create a unit library from the Configure Unit Library dialog box.

  1. From the Configure Unit Library dialog box, enter the unit library Name, Description, and any Comments.

  2. In the Document Properties Needed list, select the document properties needed by the unit library. These properties will be written to a file called <filename>.properties when Barr EOM calls the document modification software. This file can be opened and read in by the unit library.

  3. In the Filters Needed list, select the filters needed for the unit library. These filters will be written to a temporary location which will be sent to the document modification software.

  4. Under Unit, specify the unit library. Enter the unit library code at the bottom of the text where the <--put code here--> line is shown.

Review the default comments of a new unit library for descriptions of the parameters sent from EOM to the unit library and information about how to tell EOM about the documents modified or created by the unit library.

  1. If necessary, click Reload Variables from Unit to populate the Output variables grid with any output variables defined in the unit library.

  2. Click OK.

Configuring a CpMillProfile resource

Complete the following steps to configure a filter profile from the Configure Filter Profile dialog box.

  1. From the Configure Filter Profile dialog box, specify the Data type of the filter profile.

  2. Enter the resource Name, Description, and any Comments.

  3. In the Filter Profile box, enter...

  4. Click OK.

Configuring a banner resource

Complete the following steps to create a banner resource from the Banner Resource dialog box.

  1. From the Banner Resource dialog box, enter the resource Name, Description, and any Comments.

  2. In the Printer Family list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will used for all printer families or only for certain printer families.

  3. In the Data Type list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will be used for all data types or only for certain data types.

  4. If you want to import the banner resource data, under Import Resource Data, click Browse and select the appropriate resource file. Specify the Code page to be used with the resource data. The resource data will display in the Resource Editor box.

  5. In the Resource Editor box, enter...

  6. Click OK.

Configuring an overlay resource

Complete the following steps to create an overlay resource from the Overlay Resource dialog box.

  1. From the Overlay Resource dialog box, enter the resource Name, Description, and any Comments.

  2. In the Printer Family list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will used for all printer families or only for certain printer families.

  3. In the Data Type list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will be used for all data types or only for certain data types.

  4. If you want to import the overlay resource data, under Import Resource Data, click Browse and select the appropriate resource file. Specify the Code page to be used with the resource data. The resource data will display in the Resource Editor box.

  5. In the Resource Editor box, enter...

  6. Click OK.

Configuring a PrinterControlFile resource

Complete the following steps to create a PrinterControlFile resource from the PrinterControlFile Resource dialog box.

  1. From the PrinterControlFile Resource dialog box, enter the resource Name, Description, and any Comments.

  2. In the Printer Family list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will used for all printer families or only for certain printer families.

  3. In the Data Type list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will be used for all data types or only for certain data types.

  4. If you want to import the PrinterControlFile resource data, under Import Resource Data, click Browse and select the appropriate resource file. Specify the Code page to be used with the resource data. The resource data will display in the Resource Editor box.

  5. In the Resource Editor box, enter...

  6. Click OK.

Configuring an FCB resource

Complete the following steps to create an FCB resource from the FCB Resource dialog box.

  1. From the FCB Resource dialog box, enter the resource Name, Description, and any Comments.

  2. In the Printer Family list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will used for all printer families or only for certain printer families.

  3. In the Data Type list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will be used for all data types or only for certain data types.

  4. If you want to import the FCB resource data, under Import Resource Data, click Browse and select the appropriate resource file. The resource data will display in the Resource Editor box.

  5. In the Lines/Inch list, select the lines-per-inch, either 6 or 8.

  6. In the Printable lines/page box, enter the number of lines that will print per page. For example, if there are 66 Lines/Page and you enter 60 Printable lines/page, then you will print lines 1 through 60 on each page of the document.

  7. In the Lines/page box, enter the number of lines per page. This will change the FCB size.

  8. To add a channel stop, click Add. The Add Channel dialog box displays. Enter the channel stop and line number and click OK. You can remove channel stops by selecting a channel stop and clicking Remove.

  9. Click OK.

Configuring a CsvDocProp resource

Complete the following steps to create a CsvDocProp resource from the CsvDocProp Resource dialog box.

  1. From the CsvDocProp Resource dialog box, enter the resource Name, Description, and any Comments.

  2. In the Printer Family list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will used for all printer families or only for certain printer families.

  3. In the Data Type list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will be used for all data types or only for certain data types.

  4. If you want to import the CsvDocProp resource data, under Import Resource Data, click Browse and select the appropriate resource file. Specify the Code page to be used with the resource data. The resource data will display in the Resource Editor box.

  5. In the Resource Editor box, enter...

  6. Click OK.

Configuring a CsvDestination resource

Complete the following steps to create a CsvDestination resource from the CsvDestination dialog box.

  1. From the CsvDestination dialog box, enter the resource Name, Description, and any Comments.

  2. In the Printer Family list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will used for all printer families or only for certain printer families.

  3. In the Data Type list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will be used for all data types or only for certain data types.

  4. If you want to import the CsvDestination resource data, under Import Resource Data, click Browse and select the appropriate resource file. Specify the Code page to be used with the resource data. The resource data will display in the Resource Editor box.

  5. In the Resource Editor box, enter...

  6. Click OK.

Configuring a CsvLibFolder resource

Complete the following steps to create a CsvLibFolder resource from the CsvLibFolder dialog box.

  1. From the CsvLibFolder dialog box, enter the resource Name, Description, and any Comments.

  2. In the Printer Family list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will used for all printer families or only for certain printer families.

  3. In the Data Type list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will be used for all data types or only for certain data types.

  4. If you want to import the CsvLibFolder resource data, under Import Resource Data, click Browse and select the appropriate resource file. Specify the Code page to be used with the resource data. The resource data will display in the Resource Editor box.

  5. In the Resource Editor box, enter...

  6. Click OK.

Configuring a binary resource

Complete the following steps to create a binary resource from the Binary Resource dialog box.

  1. From the Binary Resource dialog box, enter the resource Name, Description, and any Comments.

  2. In the Printer Family list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will used for all printer families or only for certain printer families.

  3. In the Data Type list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will be used for all data types or only for certain data types.

  4. If you want to import the binary resource data, under Import Resource Data, click Browse and select the appropriate resource file. The resource data will display in the Resource Editor box.

  5. In the Resource Editor box, enter...

  6. In the Create Hex Size box, enter the ...

  7. Click OK.

Configuring a text resource

Complete the following steps to create a text resource from the Text Resource dialog box.

  1. From the Text Resource dialog box, enter the resource Name, Description, and any Comments.

  2. In the Printer Family list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will used for all printer families or only for certain printer families.

  3. In the Data Type list, use the check boxes to determine if the resource will be used for all data types or only for certain data types.

  4. If you want to import the text resource data, under Import Resource Data, click Browse and select the appropriate resource file. Specify the Code page to be used with the resource data. The resource data will display in the Resource Editor box.

  5. In the Resource Editor box, enter...

  6. Click OK.

Modifying resources

Complete the following steps to modify a resource.

  1. From the EOM Console menu bar select Tools | Resource Manager. The Resource Manager dialog box displays.

  2. In the Resource type list, select the appropriate resource type.

  3. In the grid, select the resource you want to change and click Modify. The dialog box that displays varies depending on the type of resource selected.

  4. Make the necessary resource changes and click OK.

  5. Click OK.

Removing resources

Complete the following steps to remove a resource.

  1. From the EOM Console menu bar select Tools | Resource Manager. The Resource Manager dialog box displays.

  2. In the Resource type list, select the appropriate resource type.

  3. In the grid, select the resource you want to delete and click Remove.

  4. Click OK.

Importing resources

Complete the following steps to import a resource.

  1. From the EOM Console menu bar select Tools | Resource Manager. The Resource Manager dialog box displays.

  2. In the Resource type list, select the resource type you want to import.

  3. Click Import.

  4. Select the resource file you want to import and click Open. You can import previously exported Barr EOM resources.

  5. The resource will appear in the grid.

  6. Click OK.

Exporting resources

Complete the following steps to export a resource.

  1. From the EOM Console menu bar select Tools | Resource Manager. The Resource Manager dialog box displays.

  2. In the Resource type list, select the resource type you want to export.

  3. In the grid, select the resource you want to export.

  4. Click Export.

  5. Choose the location you want to save the resource file and enter a File name.

  6. Click Save. Exported resource files contain the resource name, type, description, and the resource data in an XML format.

  7. Click OK.