Learning about the Library application

EOM Console

The Library application allows for long-term storage of documents that have been received into Barr EOM. Based on user permissions, library documents can be viewed, reprinted, and so on. Documents are placed in the Library by sending them to the EOM Document Library destination that was created by default for you. Documents are assigned to library folders in a dynamic manner using a library filing profile. The filing profile can be assigned by the EOM Document Library destination or business rules.

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Library Application

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Navigation pane

In the navigation pane, click the Library button to open the Library application. The navigation pane displays a configurable Library tree showing all of the library document folders and saved queries. From the tree, you can create library folders for organizing library documents. Under the Library Document Queries folder, you can also create queries for quickly locating documents based on their properties and query folders for organizing queries. Library folders, query folders, and queries can be moved using drag-and-drop functionality.

When you right-click an item in the navigation pane, the following options will display. The options listed will vary depending on if a library folder, query folder, or query is selected.

Navigation Pane Options



Displays a grid view of the selected item. If a library folder is selected, all of the documents contained in the folder will be listed. If a query is selected, all of the documents that meet the criteria of the query will be listed.

Open in New Tab

Opens the library folder or query in a new tab.

New Folder

Creates a new library folder or query folder under the selected folder. A new folder entry titled UnNamed will appear in the tree. Type the new folder name and press enter to create the folder. By default the new folder will inherit the security settings of its parent folder.

New Query

Creates a new query under the selected query folder. Displays the Build New Library Query dialog box.


Renames the selected folder.


Deletes the selected folder or query. Folders cannot be deleted if they contain any documents, queries, or subfolders.


Opens the Security Configuration dialog box for updating the security settings. This will define the type of access users and groups have to the documents either contained in the folder or that meet the query criteria.

Console window

The console window displays a tabbed view of the Library tree selection. When a library folder is selected in the tree, the Library grid will display listing all of the documents in the folder. When a query is selected in the tree, the Library grid will list all of the documents whose properties match the query. Notice the Library grid is in a tab page control. By default, navigating in the tree will replace the information in the active tab. Queries can be opened in a new tab, by right-clicking a query in the tree and selecting Open in New Tab. Your tree selection, open tab pages, and console window settings will be saved for the next time you open the application.

Grid right-click options

When you right-click a document in the grid, the following options will display.

Grid Options



Displays the selected document in the Viewer of your choice. The submenu options that display vary depending on the type of document selected.

EOM Viewer – Displays the selected document in the EOM Viewer.

Windows Default Viewer – Opens the application installed in Windows that Windows has assigned to open that file type.


Deletes the selected document from Barr EOM.

Assign to Library Folder

Sets the location the document will reside in the Library. A dialog box will display listing all of the library folders.


Edit Query – Opens the Document Query Tool for modifying the current query.

Load Query – Opens the Document Queries dialog box for selecting a saved query.

Create New QueryOpens the Document Query Tool for creating a new query.

Save Current Query – Saves the current query. The Document Queries dialog box displays. You can apply saved queries by right-clicking the grid and selecting Queries | Load Query.


Layout files are saved for the logged in user. You will only have access to load and delete the layout files you create.

Delete layout – Allows for deleting layout files created by the current user. The Delete Layout dialog box is displayed.

Load layout – Allows for loading layout files created by the current user. The Choose Layout dialog box is displayed.

Reset layout – Abandons any unsaved grid changes and resets the grid to the default settings. The default settings are configured in the Configure Columns Utility.

Save layoutSaves the current grid settings to a layout file for the current user. The Save Layout dialog box is displayed.

Grid status bar options

The following are the options that display in the status bar below the grid.

Status bar options



Searches the grid. To search, type the text you want to find and press ENTER or click the Search image. If the text is found, your focus will be moved to the first occurrence. New buttons will appear near the Search box that allow you to stop searching, move to the previous occurrence, and move to the next occurrence.

Print button

Prints the contents of the grid.

Query button

Displays the query tool for creating a custom query.

Refresh Query button

Refreshes the current query.

Cancel Query Mode button

Cancels the current query.

Paging buttons

Allows for paging through the grid. Click the double left arrow button (<<) to go to the first page, the left arrow button (<) to go to the previous page, the right arrow button (>) to go to the next page, and the double right arrow button (>>) to go to the last page.

Number of Records

Displays the number of records in the grid.