Configuring the document library


Complete the following steps to configure the Document Library destination. Documents routed to this destination will be sent to the Library application using the assigned library profile settings.  

  1. From the Destinations tree, right-click the Document Library destination and click Configure. The document library destination is created by default during software installation.

  2. If necessary you can modify the destination Name and enter Comments and a Location.

  3. To change the large destination image that displays, click Select Image and choose the appropriate image file (.bmp, jpg, or png). The selected image will be compressed and scaled to 96x96 pixels. Changing this image will not change the smaller image that displays or the image that displays in the destination tree. To change the image back to the default, click Reset Image.

  4. From the Library settings tab, choose the appropriate Library profile. This profile contains all of the settings needed to properly “file” the document. All documents sent to the library destination will be assigned the selected profile. Note, if you route the document using a business rule with a library profile assigned, the business rule library profile will be used.

    Library Settings Tab

Select the appropriate library profile from the list or click the Browse button to display the Manage Document Library Profiles dialog box. From this dialog box, you can create, modify, and remove library profiles. Complete the following steps to configure a library profile.

  1. From the Manage Document Library Profiles dialog box, click New.

  2. Specify the library profile Name and Description.

  3. Determine where documents will be placed in the library. You must first click the Base folder Browse button to select an existing folder. If desired, you can then specify one or more Dynamic folder levels to be placed under the selected Base folder. To create dynamic folders, click Add and enter a folder name. The folder name can consist of text and one or more document properties. To insert document properties, right-click in the text box and select Insert Document Property. Some example document properties are date/time, document name, data type, and so on. Once you have entered the folder name, click OK.

You can add, edit, and remove folders, and change the folder order using the buttons next to the box. Each level added becomes a sub folder of the folder above it in the list.

  1. Choose if you want to Send email notification upon filing. If you want to send an email notification when a document is sent to the library, select the check box and click Email. Configure the email setting on the Send Email dialog box.

  2. Specify the file store for documents sent to the library. You can choose to leave them in their current file store or move them to a specified file store.

  3. In the Purge documents box, specify how long documents should stay in the library before they are deleted.

  1. From the More settings tab, configure the following configuration options that available to all destination types.

    More Settings Tab

  1. Enter the Cost per page for black and white and color documents. Use the spin boxes to select the printing cost.

  2. In the Printer family list, click the appropriate printer family. You can also click New to create a new profile from the Printer Family Profile dialog box. Printer families are used to configure commands for print languages and map them to destinations based on their capabilities. You can click Edit to edit the selected profile or click Manage to display the Manage Printer Family Profiles dialog box which lists all of the defined profiles. When managing profiles, you can create, import, and export profiles, as well as manage all existing profiles.

  3. In the Output process list, click the appropriate process. You can also click New to create a new profile from the Process Designer window. Output processes can be created to impact documents as they are being sent to a destination. The processes contain a set of actions which could be used for search and replace, setting finishing options, editing PJL commands, inserting overlays, and so on. You can click Edit to edit the selected profile or click Manage to display the Manage Output Process Profiles dialog box which lists all of the defined profiles. When managing profiles, you can create, import, and export profiles, as well as manage all existing profiles.

Select Override output process assigned to document if you want to use the selected destination output process rather than the output process assigned to the document.

  1. In the Failover profile list, click the appropriate failover profile. You can also click New to create a new profile from the Failover Profile dialog box. Failover profiles specify what should happen to documents when they are sent to inaccessible destinations (they are not able to receive documents). You can configure what will happen if an error occurs before connecting, while connecting, or while transmitting. You can select how many times to retry a document, determine what should happen if all of the retries fail, and when to place the document in an error state. You can click Edit to edit the selected profile or click Manage to display the Manage Failover Profiles dialog box which lists all of the defined profiles. When managing profiles, you can create, import, and export profiles, as well as manage all existing profiles.

Select Override failover profile assigned to document if you want to use the selected destination failover profile rather than the failover profile assigned to the document.

  1. From the Error handling tab, configure the error handling options as necessary. These options are available for all destinations.

    Error Handling Tab

  1. Use the check boxes to determine which of the following conditions should disable the destination.

  1. Choose if you want to Query SNMP status on error. Selecting this option causes SNMP to query the physical device when a document changes to an error state. This will provide information on the devices current status.

  2. Choose the Default failover destination. This specifies what should happen to documents when they are sent to inaccessible destinations (they are not able to receive documents). You can choose to route the documents to a destination group or specific destination. The parent group where the destination currently resides is selected by default.

  1. Click OK. The library destination is configured and ready to receive documents.

You can route documents to the library using one of the following methods:

See also: