Working with documents


From the EOM Console, you can manage the flow of documents from Barr EOM to a destination. Barr EOM supports a variety of document types, such as PCL, PS, PDF, Text, TIFF, JPG, PGN, AFP, IPDS, LCDS, and so on. The system also supports transforming documents between these print description languages (PDL).

See also:

Managing document folders

In both the Documents and Library application, documents are organized in folders. These folders define the permissions that users and groups have over documents.

To create folders

  1. From the Documents or Library tree, right-click a folder and select New Folder. A new folder titled UnNamed is added to the selected folder.

  2. In the edit field, type the name of the new folder and press ENTER. The new folder automatically inherits the permissions of the parent folder.

To move folders

  1. From the Documents or Library tree, select the folder you want to move.

  2. Use drag and drop functionality to place the folder in the desired tree location. As you drag the item a yellow arrow will appear to the left of the tree to indicate where the folder will be placed.

To rename folders

  1. From the Documents or Library tree, right-click a folder select Rename.

  2. In the edit field, type the new folder name and press ENTER. To cancel the rename, press ESC.

To delete folders

  1. From the Documents or Library tree, right-click the folder you want to delete.

  2. Select Delete from the menu. Note, all of the objects must be removed before the folder can be deleted.

To search for folders

  1. In the search box below the Documents or Library tree, type the text you want to find and press ENTER or click the Search image. Barr EOM will start at the top of the tree and search for the text. Each time the text is found the selected item will be highlighted in the tree and the item will open in the console window.

  2. If more than one search result is found, click the next and previous arrow buttons that appear in the search panel.

Configuring security for documents

EOM security for the Documents and Library application begins at the root of the tree, the Document Folders or Library Document Folders group. The Documents and Library trees consist of folders which are used to organize documents. EOM security is provided by adding a Microsoft Windows user or user group to the folder and assigning permissions to that user or user group. These EOM permissions define the type of access users and user groups have to the documents within the folders. Once the EOM security (Microsoft Windows users, user groups, and document permissions) is set in a folder, the EOM security is inherited by all the objects in that folder. When a new document is added or a folder is created, its security is automatically the same as its parent folder’s security (that is, the new document inherits its security from its parent folder).

To begin configuring document security, start by assigning the desired document permissions in the Document Folders or Library Document Folders. To view documents in the grid, users or user groups must be assigned the Allow user to see Documents in list permission in the Document Folders or Library Document Folders. Users not assigned this permission in that folder will not see any documents or folders even though they may have been given permissions for the specific folder.

Complete the following steps to assign document permissions.

  1. From the EOM Console, select the Documents and Library  application in the navigation pane.

  2. In the tree, right-click the folder you want to configure and select Security. The Security Configuration dialog box displays. To access this dialog box, you must be a member of the local Administrators group. Users with these rights can add and remove users or groups and modify the assigned permissions.

    Security Configuration dialog box

  3. Use the Inherit permissions from the parent option to determine if you want to inherit permissions from the parent folder or remove inheritance. By default, folders are configured to inherit permissions from the parent folder. Click the Browse button to configure inheritance.

It is good practice to assign rights using inheritance, as it allows administrators to easily assign and manage permissions. Blocking inheritance is useful when documents need to be seen by just a few users. If you plan to block inheritance, make sure the users that need access to the blocked document folder are in the security settings for all of its parent groups, including Document Folders or Library Document Folders. If this is not done then those users will not be able to see the folder. Also remember to remove the users and user groups that should not have access to the folder.

  1. From the Users and groups with permissions list box, select the appropriate user or group in the list. The Assigned permissions list box will display the assigned permissions for the selected user.

If you want to set permissions for a user or group that does not appear in the list, click Add. From the User and Group Selection dialog box, select the users/groups you want to add and click OK. If the user/group is not listed, click More Users to locate the user. From the list you can choose to add EOM users, LDAP users, or Windows users. You can also choose to import LDAP users. Once users are added, they are placed in the EOM database, causing them to always be listed in the future.

User and Group Selection dialog box

  1. From the Assigned permissions box, select or clear the permissions for the selected user/group. Click Select All or Unselect All to easily assign or remove all permissions. The permissions assigned to a folder will be inherited for all of the objects contained in that folder, except for the ones that have inheritance blocked

If you notice permissions that are selected and disabled, then the user/group selected has inherited permissions. Inherited permissions cannot be removed. To remove inherited permissions, you must first turn off inheritance for the folder.

  1. Once all of your permission changes are complete, click OK.

Creating document queries

The Documents and Library applications allow you to create document queries. Queries are used to quickly locate documents based on their properties. Queries can be run from the Documents and Library tree and grid. They can be run ad-hoc or saved for future use.

  1. Open the Document Query Tool using one of the following methods.

  2. In the Documents or Library tree, right-click one of the document query folders and select New Query. The new query will be created under the selected folder.

  3. Right-click in the grid and select Queries | Create New Query.

  4. From the grid, click the queries button (Q) below the grid. If a query is currently applied to the grid, the query statements will be listed.

  1. To create a query statement, click the plus button next to the AND operator. To select the column, click the column name link in the condition and select the appropriate column from the list. All available columns will display in the list.

  2. Click the operator link in the condition and select the appropriate comparison operator from the list. The comparison operator list displays only the operators supported by the current column's data type. For example, the Priority column is of the numeric type so the operator list doesn't display the 'Begins with' operator and other operators that are related to the string type.

  3. Click the <enter a value> link and enter a value in the box.

  4. To add additional conditions, click the plus button next to the group's AND operator. This will create new conditions below the current one. Complete each condition statement using the steps above.

  5. Click OK to query data using the created query statement.

You can create more advanced queries containing multiple logical (Boolean) operators. To change the root logical operator, click the current AND operator and select the appropriate operator from the list. You can then add a new query statement group by clicking the operator and selecting Add Group. You can add multiple groups containing multiple conditions. Complete each group using the steps above.

  1. If you created the query from the grid, you can save the query by right-clicking in the grid and selecting Queries | Save Current Query. You will select the query folder and enter a query Name.

  2. You can load saved queries by right-clicking in the grid and selecting Queries | Load Query. From the dialog box, select the query you want to open and click OK.

  3. To refresh the query, click the Refresh Query button below the grid.

  4. To cancel the query, click the Cancel Query Mode button below the grid.

Searching for documents

Complete the following steps to search for documents in the Documents grid. You can also search the Documents grids that appear in the Destinations and Sources applications.

  1. From the EOM Console, select the Documents and Library application in the navigation pane.

  2. In the tree, select the appropriate document folder.

  3. In the search box below the grid, type the text you want to find, click the column in the grid you want to search, and press ENTER or click the Search image. If the text is found, your focus will be moved to the first occurrence. New buttons will appear near the Search box that allow you to stop searching, move to the previous occurrence, and move to the next occurrence.