Upgrading to a newer version of Barr EOM

Barr EOM

Follow these steps to upgrade your current Barr EOM installation to a newer version.

Before you begin:

See also:

Removing the Barr EOM components

Complete the following steps to remove the Barr EOM components before upgrading.

  1. Make sure all EOM processes have completed, including scheduled processes. Disable all sources to ensure no further input will occur.

  2. Verify the location and status of the Barr EOM components in the Manage Product Components Utility:

  1. Review the Status column to verify all EOM Consoles are closed. The Status column will display a red x () for closed EOM Consoles and a green check () for active EOM Consoles. Once an EOM Console has connected to the Barr EOM installation it will always be listed in the Manage Product Components grid.

  2. Make a note of the following for each of the Barr EOM services: server name, domain, and credentials (the service log in account).

  1. Close any active EOM Consoles.

  2. At each server with a Barr EOM service listed in the Manage Product Components Utility, complete the following steps. If multiple machines are running Barr EOM services, you must complete these steps on each machine. Make sure you complete these steps for the server that has the Barr EOM DBM Service running last.

  1. Open the Barr EOM Server Configuration Utility. (From the task bar, click Start | All Programs | Barr Systems | Barr EOM | EOM Server Configuration.)

  2. From the EOM services configuration tab, in the EOM DBM Configuration grid, make note of the SQL Server Instance and the Database Name. This will be used later in the upgrade procedure.

  3. Stop all of the Barr EOM services except for the Barr EOM DBM Service (unless this is the only server with Barr EOM services or it is the last server to have its services stopped). To stop the services, select the services in the grid and click Stop Selected Service. Wait for the Status column to display Stopped for all of the services. This indicates all of the EOM service components are stopped for the selected server.

  4. Click OK to close the Barr EOM Server Configuration Utility.

  5. Repeat this procedure for each server with a Barr EOM service, stopping the Barr EOM DBM service last.

  1. The upgrade process will save a backup of the database before upgrading. The backup is located on the server with Microsoft SQL Server in the \\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup folder. You can open SQL Server Management Studio to view the backup database.

  2. Remove the Barr EOM components using the following steps.

If you uninstall Barr EOM while another user is running it, the program might not uninstall completely. Verify all sessions connected to the server have stopped the Barr EOM components. You can use the Terminal Service manager on the server operating systems to review the processes running per session.

  1. Open Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs (or Programs and Features in Windows Vista).

  2. From the program list, select Barr EOM Console and click Remove. The Uninstall program will close any open programs. Any unsaved data will be lost.

  3. From the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to continue (or No to cancel). Wait for the uninstall to complete.

  4. Repeat steps these steps for Barr EOM Database Scripts and Barr EOM Services.


Installing the new version

Follow these steps to install the Barr EOM software. The setup program copies files from the Barr EOM CD to your computer. Before you run the setup program, exit all Windows programs.

  1. Insert the Barr EOM CD into the CD-ROM drive. The Barr EOM Setup program automatically displays. If auto run is disabled on your system or if the setup program does not automatically display, right-click Start on the taskbar and select Explore. Navigate to the CD-ROM drive and double-click Autorun.exe.

The Barr EOM Install window appears. Notice, as you move the pointer over the links, text appears describing the purpose of each link.

  1. Verify all software prerequisites are installed. If the prerequisites are not met, red text will display below the link stating Software prerequisites are not met. If the red text is shown, click Check and Install Prerequisites. The window that displays lists all of the software prerequisites along with their installation status. Next to each item that is not installed, an Install Now button displays. Click the Install Now button for each item and follow the steps to install the appropriate software. Once everything is installed, click Back.

To install the database

  1. Click Set up Barr EOM Database.

  2. Click Set up EOM Database. The Barr EOM Database Scripts are automatically installed. The EOM Database Installer dialog will appear.

  3. In the Database to upgrade list, select the database that was used in production.

  4. To upgrade the database, leave the New database name box blank. If you want to clone the database (create a copy of the database and only upgrade the copy), enter the name of the new database in the New database name box. The database selected to upgrade will remain at the old Barr EOM version.

  5. Click Run. Review the confirmation messages that display and click Yes to continue.

  6. A successful message will display when complete, click OK.

  7. Click Back.

To install the services

  1. Click Install BARR EOM.

  2. Click Install BARR EOM Services. The Barr EOM Services wizard displays.

  3. Read the information on the Welcome dialog box, and then click Next.

  4. Review the license agreement, and then click Yes. (To install the software, you must accept the terms of the license agreement.)

  5. On the User Information dialog box, enter the appropriate contact information, and click Next. This information is required.

  6. Determine the type of service install you want, Complete (all services will be installed) or Custom (you can choose the services to install). A custom installation is useful if a system will only have the Barr EOM Input Service or the Barr EOM Output Service installed.

  7. To do a Complete install and install all services, select Complete and click Next.

  8. To do a Custom install and choose the services you want to install, select Custom and click Next.

  1. Click Install and wait for the installation to complete. Click Finish.

To install the EOM Console

  1. Click Install BARR EOM Console. The Barr EOM Console wizard displays.

  2. Read the information on the Welcome dialog box, and then click Next.

  3. Review the license agreement, and then click Yes. (To install the software, you must accept the terms of the license agreement.)

  4. On the Destination Folder dialog box, verify the path where the EOM Console will be installed. Click Next.

  5. Click Install and wait for the installation to complete. Click Finish.

  6. Click Back.

To install the EOM Web Server

  1. Click Install BARR EOM Web Server. The Barr EOM Web Server wizard is displayed.

  2. Read the information on the Welcome dialog box, and then click Next.

  3. Select the folder where the EOM Web Server will be installed. The default folder is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\eomweb. To choose a different folder, click Change and select the appropriate folder. Click Next.

  4. Click Install and wait for the installation to complete. Click Finish.

  5. In Windows Explorer, open the folder where the Web Server was installed. If you used the default location, open the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\eomweb folder.

  6. Open the web.config file.  At the bottom of the file, replace the PRIMARY_DBMHOST entry with the name of the machine you are using.

  7. Save and close the file.

To configure Barr EOM

  1. On the first installation window, click Configure EOM. The Barr EOM Server Configuration Utility displays.

  2. On the EOM services configuration tab, select all of the boxes in the EOM DBM Configuration and the EOM Service Configuration grids. The EOM DBM Configuration grid only appears if the system has the Barr EOM DBM Service installed. Only the installed Barr EOM services will display in the EOM Service Configuration grid.

  3. Verify the SQL Server Instance and Database Name cells have the same information as selected in the EOM Database Installer dialog box.

  4. Verify the EOM DBM Host Name cell value is correct. The EOM DBM Host Name is the computer where the Barr EOM DBM Service is installed. To change the value, click in any of the cells in the EOM DBM Host Name column and click the Browse button. From the Browse For Computer dialog box, select the computer where your Barr EOM DBM service is running. You will need to select the Domain and Computer. When complete, click OK. Notice all of the cells in the column are populated.

  5. Verify the Service Logon Credentials cell value is correct. To change the value, click in any of the cells in the Service Logon Credentials column and click the Browse button. From the Select User dialog box, choose how the service will log on. You can decide if it will log on as a local system account or you can enter a specific account. Use Local System Account if the DBM will communicate with the local SQL database, local EOM services, and local file resources. All other cases use a Windows Service account for the log on. In most cases, you will choose This account and select the service logon account that was created during the Prepare the network installation steps. Selecting an account will require you to complete the password boxes. When complete, click OK. Notice all of the cells in the column are populated.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Verify all of the items are selected and click Start Selected Service. Notice the status column changes to Running for all services.

  8. Select the EOM security administration tab. Notice all fields are populated with the previous selections.

  9. Verify the SQL Server\Instance and the Database fields are set to the same as configured on the EOM services configuration tab.

  10. In the Authentication list, choose the authentication type, Windows or SQL. If you choose Windows Authentication, click Connect. The Users and Groups grid will display the Windows users and groups configured using this tab in the previous version of Barr EOM. These users will have full administrative rights to EOM Console.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Click the Exit button to close the auto run. The software installation is complete.

Once the first installation is complete, continue installing components on various servers. After the first Barr EOM DBM Service is configured and started, any other services that will communicate through that DBM can be configured and started. If additional DBM services were installed, you can repeat this procedure for each service. The database only needs to be upgraded/cloned one time. All of the DBMs will point to the one database.


Verifying the upgrade

Complete these steps to verify the upgrade completed successfully.

  1. Open an EOM Console connecting to the Barr EOM DBM system using a EOM System Administrator user account.

  2. On the menu bar, verify the service status lights are all green.

  3. Verify the information in the status bar is correct and the Connection Status is Connected.

  4. On the menu bar, select Help | About. Verify the version and serial numbers are correct.

  5. Verify the Destinations, Sources, Documents, and Library trees are the same as before the upgrade.

  6. In the navigation pane click Administration and verify the utilities show the correct information.

  7. On the menu bar, select Tools | Message Console. From the Message Console, review the messages and address any errors that may have appeared since the Started EOM SNMP Service message.

  8. Activate the installed EOM license to operate with the new version on EOM.

  9. Verify the Valid EOM license, serial number: message is listed without error. Close Message Console.

  10. Test some of the high priority or high volume document flows with users before announcing the Barr EOM system is ready for use.
