Setting general preferences


From the Administration application you can configure general administrative options such as setting the document file store path and the document retention period.

Complete the following steps to configure the options.

  1. From the EOM Console navigation pane, select the Administration application.

  2. Click the Set General Preferences link. The Set General Preferences Utility displays in the console window.

  3. Use the EOM instance name box to change the instance name, if necessary. The default name is Barr EOM. The instance name is used with licensing and association with an SQL server.

  4. Use the Use disconnected mode check box to determine if Barr EOM will operate in a disconnected mode when the database or the Barr EOM DBM Service is unavailable (i.e. a fatal error occurs, network connectivity is lost, etc). In disconnected mode, sources and destinations continue to process documents. Once documents are received, they are either routed to an assigned destination (if configured on the Output settings tab) or held as unrouted. When the database or service becomes available, full operation will resume automatically.

  5. Use the Save accounting information check box to save or discard accounting information. Accounting information is saved by default.

  6. Use the Save auditing information check box to determine if you want to save auditing information in the Audit Console. Audit information focuses on security-related actions performed by users. Auditing information is saved by default.

  7. Use the Retain documents check box to enable/disable document retention. When you enable the retain feature, documents are saved to the retain folder after they print or are deleted from the EOM Console. If you do not want to save deleted or printed documents, disable the retain feature. Documents are retained by default.

  8. If you are retaining documents, set the Default retention period using the spin box. The default period is 7 days.

  9. If you are retaining documents, specify the Maximum retain size using the spin box. The default maximum is 100,000 documents. If the maximum value is reached, Barr EOM performs a cleanup routine to remove the oldest documents. This will reduce the document count to match the maximum number of documents.

  10. Specify the Maximum message log size using the spin box. The default maximum is 10,000 entries. If the maximum value is reached, Barr EOM performs a cleanup routine to remove the oldest messages. This will reduce the message count to match the maximum number of messages.

  11. In the Output history period box, specify the number of days that will be saved in the Destination Output History window. The default period is 60 days.

  12. Configure the Global destination capabilities. This determines which print preferences/document properties are supported throughout Barr EOM. You can configure these settings manually or import settings from an existing PFD (Printer Family Definition) or CSD (Command Set Definition). To configure the properties manually, complete the following steps.

  1. Next to Global destination capabilities, click Configure. The Global Destination Capabilities dialog box is displayed. All of the document properties available in Barr EOM are listed and grouped into the following categories: Basic options, Media selection, Document, Image adjustments, Finishing, and Other properties. To expand a category and view the associated properties, click the down arrow next to a category name. To collapse a category, click the up arrow.

  2. Expand the appropriate category. All of the document properties that belong to that category are listed. Select the check boxes for properties you want to be available for configuration throughout Barr EOM. Clear the check boxes for properties you do not want to be available.

If a property is configured by selecting from a list of options, those options will display beneath the property. Select and clear the check boxes to determine the choices that will be available when those properties are configured.

Repeat this step until all properties are configured.

Here is an example of how to configure the Resolution property so users can only select a Resolution of 75, 100, or 150. First, expand the Basic options category by clicking the down arrow next to the category name. Next, select the check box next to the Resolution property. This will make the property available for configuration throughout Barr EOM. Finally, under the Resolution property select the check boxes next to the options you want to be available for selection. In this example, you would select the check boxes next to 75, 100, and 150. Clear the check boxes next to the remaining Resolution options.

  1. When all properties are configured, click OK.

You can further restrict these options for individual destinations by configuring Destination specific capabilities from the destination's More settings tab.

  1. The Document file store path grid lists all of the configured file stores on this Barr EOM database. The Barr EOM database only stores the properties of a document. The actual files are stored in network folders, called file stores. Use the following procedures to configure the file stores.

  2. To add a file store, click Add. From the File Store dialog box, enter the network folder path where the Barr EOM files are stored or click Browse button to select a folder. The Barr EOM DBM Service will need to have permissions assigned to access the selected network folder. Verify the file store folder does not contain any empty folders. Empty folders in the file store folder will be deleted with the EOM cleanup process runs.

  3. To select a default file store, in the grid click the Default check box cell for the appropriate file store. The default file store will be used when a file store has not been specified. By default sources are configured to use the default file store on the More settings tab. If you change the default file store in the grid, all sources using the default will also be updated.

  4. To modify a file store, select a file store in the grid and click Edit. The File Store dialog box is displayed.

  5. To view usage details of the drive where the file store is located, select a file store in the grid and click Details.

  6. To remove a file store, select file store with a status of New and click Remove. You can only remove file stores with a New status.

  1. Click the Apply button to save the changes.

See also:
