Managing users


Use the Users tab to add, modify, and remove individual users. You can configure an email address and the inheritance of quota management settings; specify a quota management profile to disable printing under certain circumstances; and set print balances for cost control.

See also:

Adding users and groups

Use the following links to add users and groups to Barr EOM:

From the Users and Groups grids, you can configure EOM users and groups as required. To set inheritance (only for users), assign and create quota profiles, and configure balance settings for a user, go to Configuring a user or group.


Configuring a user or group

Once you have added users and groups in the Manage Users utility, use these procedures to assign and create quota profiles and configure balance settings directly from the grid. For users, you can also configure inheritance to determine if users will inherit quota settings from the group.

Before beginning a particular configuration task, complete these steps.

  1. From the EOM console navigation pane, select the Administration application.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Manage Users. The Manage Users utility is displayed in the right panel.

  3. To configure users, click the Users tab. To configure groups, click the Groups tab. Use the following procedures to configure users and groups from the appropriate grid.

  4. Set inheritance (only for user configuration)

  5. Manage quota profiles

  6. Assign a quota profile

  7. Create a basic quota profile

  8. Create user quota rules

  9. Specify an email address

  10. Configure balance settings

To set inheritance (only for user configuration)

In the Users grid, use the Inherit column to determine whether a user is to inherit quota settings from a group. If a user is a member of more than one group, the user inherits settings from only the group that was most recently modified by the administrator.

To specify inheritance of quota settings from the parent group, complete these steps from the Users grid.

  1. To specify that you want this user to inherit quota settings, including balance settings, select the Inherit check box for the user. By default, users are configured to inherit settings from the group.

If you do not want the user to inherit quota settings, clear the check box.

  1. Click Apply.

To assign a quota profile

The quota profile sets up restrictions based on the type of document, for example, precluding color printing and requiring that documents be duplexed.

To select an existing profile, follow these steps.  

  1. From the grid, click the Quota Profile cell for the appropriate user or group and select a profile from the list.

  2. Click Apply.

To create a basic quota profile

To create a new quota profile, complete these steps.

  1. From the grid, click the appropriate Quota Profile cell and then click the Browse button. The Manage User Quota Profiles dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click New. The User Quota Profile dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter a Profile name and Profile description.

  4. To control the documents that are printed, select options under Restrictions - Disable Printing. You can choose to always disable printing, limit the maximum document page count or byte count to a specified value, and prohibit the printing of color in a document. You can also choose to disregard any restrictions set for Windows queues.

  5. To define notification options, select one of the check boxes under Restriction Notification Options. You can notify the user using email or using a pop-up window.

  6. To specify that the client pop-up window be displayed for the user, select Show client pop-up for this user. Configuration options for the pop-up window are displayed.

  1. Under Client pop-up general options, select the appropriate check box options.

  2. To select and configure up to five billing lists to be displayed in the client pop-up window, use the grid under Select up to five billing lists to be displayed on the client pop-up:

  1. If you want to display this pop-up window rather than the pop-up window defined for a Windows queue, select Select this pop-up instead of the pop-up (if any) configured for the Windows queue. If you have configured a pop-up window for the Windows queue, it is displayed by default. If you select this check box, this pop-up window will be displayed rather than that for the Windows queue.

  1. To convert this profile to an advanced profile and manage the profile using rules, click Advanced. All selected items will be converted into rules and displayed in the User Quota Rules Manager dialog box. Once the profile has been converted to an advanced profile, it cannot be returned to a basic profile. Complete the following steps to create an advanced profile.

  1. If any items were selected on the previous dialog box, they are now listed as rules on the User Quota Rules Manager dialog box. Click each rule and review it in the preview section.

  2. The rules grid lists all of the defined rules in the order that they will be processed. The rules grid is editable. Use the following procedures from the rules grid:

  3. To specify whether the rule is enabled or disabled, use the check box in the Enabled column.

  4. To rename a rule, click the Name cell and make the change.

  5. To modify the rule description, click the Description cell and make the change.

  6. To change the follow-on action, click the Follow-on Action cell and select the action that you would like to take after this rule has been processed. You can continue processing rules or choose not to process any additional rules.

  1. Under the rules grid, use the following procedures to configure rules:

  2. To create a rule, click Add. The User Quota Rule dialog box is displayed. For instructions about adding rules, go to To create user quota rules.

  3. To modify a rule, select a rule and click Modify.

  4. To delete a rule, select a rule and click Remove.

  5. To create a copy of a rule, select a rule and click Copy. A copy of the selected rule will be created.

  6. To reorder the rules, select a rule and click Move Up or Move Down.

  1. To save your changes, click OK or Apply.

  1. When you have completed your tasks, click Close.

To create user quota rules

Administrators can create user quota rules after converting a basic quota management profile to an advanced quota management profile. Conditions and actions are configured.

To create user quota rules, complete these steps.

  1. From the User Quota Rules Manager dialog box, click Add. The User Quota Rule dialog box is displayed.

  2. Enter the Name and Description for the rule.

  3. Specify whether the rule will be enabled or disabled with the Enabled check box.

  4. To always apply the rule, select the Always execute this rule (no conditions) check box. If you select this check box, the When box will be unavailable because no condition statements are needed. Go to step 5.  

If you do not want to always apply the rule, use the When box to create and manage the rule conditions. Multiple conditions can be created and organized into groups. A blue box is used to indicate a condition group. To create a rule condition, perform the following steps.

  1. In the When box, click the <Target> link. Use the list to select the appropriate condition.

  2. Click the Operation link and select the appropriate operation.

  3. Click the Value link and select the appropriate value. The condition statement is completed.

To include additional condition statements or create groups of conditions:

  1. Under the Perform the following actions box, use the following procedures to manage actions.

  2. To create an action, click the <Action> link and select one of the following actions.

  1. From the Follow-on Action box, choose whether you want to continue processing rules or process no further rules.

  2. Click OK to save the user quota rule.

To create actions

You can create actions to ignore Windows queue restrictions, override the Windows queue pop-up window, disallow printing, perform cost accounting, route to a specified destination, set the document owner, set the document state, and notify about quota management restrictions. The steps necessary to configure these actions types are listed in the following sections. Perform the steps in the appropriate section to create actions.

To ignore Windows queue restrictions

Select this action if you want restrictions for Windows queues to be disregarded.

In the Perform the following actions box, click the <Action> link. Select Ignore Windows queues restrictions. No further configuration is required.

To override Windows queue pop-up

Select this action if you want to display the client pop-up window rather than the pop-up window defined for a Windows queue.

In the Perform the following actions box, click the <Action> link. Select Override Windows queue pop-up. No further configuration is required.

To route to destinations

Select this action to add or replace a destination for a document.

  1. In the Perform the following actions box, click the <Action> link. Select Route to Destinations | Basic. The Select Destinations dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select a destination from the tree.

  3. Click the box at the bottom to indicate whether this address is to replace an existing address or added to the existing address.

  4. Click OK.

To disallow printing

Select this action if you want to disable printing for this user or group.

In the Perform the following actions box, click the <Action> link. Select Disallow Printing. No further configuration is required.

To perform cost accounting

Select this action to configure cost accounting options for this rule.

  1. In the Perform the following actions box, click the <Action> link. Select Perform Cost Accounting. The Cost Accounting dialog box is displayed.

  2. Under Client pop-up general options, select the appropriate check-box options.

  3. To select and configure up to five billing lists to be displayed in the client pop-up window, use the grid under Select up to five billing lists to be displayed on the client pop-up:

  1. Click OK.

To set a document owner

Select this action to specify the owner of a document.

  1. In the Perform the following actions box, click the <Action> link and select Set Document Owner. The User and Group Selection dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select the appropriate user or group in the grid. If the user or group you want is not listed, click More Users to search for additional users. See the Adding users and groups to Barr EOM topic for detailed procedures on adding users.

  3. Click OK.

To set a document state

Select this action to change the state of a document.

  1. In the Perform the following actions box, click the <Action> link and select Set Document State. The Set Document State dialog box is displayed.

  2. From the drop-down list, select the appropriate document state: Hold or Ready.

  3. Click OK.

To notify about quota management restrictions

Select this action to specify that a user or group be notified about quota management restrictions and the notification method.

  1. In the Perform the following actions box, click the <Action> link and select Notify on Quota Management Restrictions. The Notify on Quota Management Restrictions dialog box is displayed.

  2. You can choose to notify the user or group using email, with a pop-up window, or both.

  3. To use email notification, select Notify via email. Select an email profile from the drop-down list or click the Browse button to manage profiles from the Manage Outbound Email Profiles dialog box.

  4. To use a pop-up notification, select Notify via client pop-up.

  1. Click OK.

To specify an email address

You can specify an email address to use for quota profile notifications.

To specify an email address, complete these steps.

  1. Click the Email cell for the appropriate user or group and enter the email address.

  2. Click Apply.

To configure balance settings

Administrators can assign print balances to control costs.

To assign a print allowance, complete these steps.

  1. Select the Set Balance check box. The grid cells to the right will be enabled so that you can define the parameters of the allowance.

  2. To specify the print allowance at the beginning of the accounting period, enter the Initial Balance.

  3. For users, the current remaining balance is displayed in the Remaining Balance cell. To adjust the balance amount, click the cell and enter a new amount.

  4. To specify the number of days in an accounting period, click the Refresh Period cell. You can specify that the balance be refreshed after a certain number of days or on a particular day of the week or month. You can also specify a time for the refresh. When you are finished, click Apply.

  5. For users, you can specify the date that the new accounting period begins. Click the arrow in the Next Refresh cell and select a date. You can specify that the balance be refreshed on a particular date or you can specify that it be refreshed today.

  6. When you are finished, click Apply.


Adding a department

Follow these steps to add a new department.

  1. From the EOM console navigation pane, select the Administration application.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Manage Users. The Manage Users utility is displayed in the right panel.

  3. Click the Departments tab.

  4. Under the Departments grid, click Add. The Department dialog box is displayed.

  5. Type the name of the new department in the Department name box.

  6. From the Select users grid, choose each users that you want to add to the new department by selecting the check box column for the appropriate users. When you are finished, click the right arrow (>) button to move the selected users into the Department members grid. You can move all users by clicking the double right arrow (>>) button.

To remove users from the department, select the check box column for users in the Department members grid and click the left arrow (<) button. All selected users are returned to the Select users grid. You can remove all users by clicking the double left arrow (<<) button.

  1. When you are finished adding users to the new department, click OK.


Modifying a user, group, or department

  1. From the EOM console navigation pane, select the Administration application.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Manage Users. The Manage Users utility is displayed in the right panel.

  3. To modify a user, click the Users tab. In the grid, select the user you want to modify and click Modify.

  1. Click OK.


Removing a user, group, or department

  1. From the EOM console navigation pane, select the Administration application.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Manage Users. The Manage Users utility is displayed in the right panel.

  3. Click the Users tab, Groups tab, or Departments tab.

  4. In the grid, select the user, group, or department you want to remove and click Remove.
