BARR/RJE manual

7. Installation Description

Use the Installation Description screens to configure the software. You need to set up software features and enable the software to communicate with the PC adapter and host computer. You can save the installation options to the program or to a configuration file. Your settings are used each time you start the software.

Any time the software is not operating, you can change the software options by starting the Installation Description from the DOS prompt.

7.1 Initial Screens

The first two installation screens display product information.

  1. To access the Installation Description, type this command at the DOS prompt:

barrsnar i

The first screen displays Barr Systems address, phone number, and software copyright information.

If you cannot read the Any key prompt in the bottom-right corner of the screen, exit the software and type the mode bw80 command at the DOS prompt before continuing. See Software Installation Steps in section 6.3 for more information about this command.

  1. Press any key to advance to the next screen.

The product name (BARR/RJE), version number (97A3), and software options (RJE SDLC) display on the first three lines of this screen.

If you contact Barr Technical Support, please provide this information to the support analyst.

  1. Press any key to advance to the next screen.

7.2 Installation Description Menu

The third installation screen is the Installation Description menu, which gives you access to the other installation screens.

Menu Selections – The selections on your screen might differ, depending on which software you have.

Minimum Configuration – You can customize the options to suit your data transfer and printing needs. The first five menu items are the most important and supply the minimum configuration required to operate the software.

The rest of the menu items allow you to set up other software features. The requirements at your site determine which of these selections you need to enable.

Use the last option on the screen, Exit and Save Changes, to periodically save your changes during the configuration process.